JASeries is a time numeric series operations API. The goal is to make simple, time series summaries generation, using sampling and various kind of cells merging. ( ** project page **)

Latest changes :

  • Statistics : alive added = OpenCell.time - CloseCell.time = series alive period of time
  • realias() without any argument means take the name as the alias.
  • added braces to delta, compact, zeroBased
  • Chart seriesScales method renamed to scales
  • Chart new method : colors which returns a map of [Series[Cell], Color]
  • Added a package object jaseries to define shortcuts to fr.janalyse.series.CSV2Series, fr.janalyse.series.view.Chart classes and objects

Google stock summary catchup scala script

exec java -jar jaseries.jar -nocompdaemon -usejavacp -savecompiled "$0" "$@"

val allSeries = jaseries.CSV2Series.fromURL("http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=GOOG")
val closeSeries = allSeries("Close")

println("GOOGLE stock summary")
println("Higher : "+closeSeries.max)
println("Lowest : "+closeSeries.min)
println("Week Trend : "+closeSeries.stat.linearApproximation.daySlope*7)
println("Latest : "+closeSeries.last)

Apple trend chart generation scala script

exec java -jar jaseries.jar -nocompdaemon -usejavacp -savecompiled "$0" "$@"

val allSeries = jaseries.CSV2Series.fromURL("http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=AAPL")
val closeSeries = allSeries("Close").realias("Apple stock value")